Sunday, August 21, 2011

Taking Care Your Hair Extensions

The core point of taking care of your Hair Extensions is to always follow your hairstylist’s instructions. A professional hairstylist will inform you about the precaution steps, proper care and even the hair care products available for extensions. The primary issue to look into if you had extensions applied on your hair is the washing. Hygiene is indeed very important hence you should always keep your hair and scalp clean. As hair may get entangled upon sweating or getting any dirt, you should wash your hair after exercise or other activities. Remember to brush and untangle your hair before washing. Use quality products for better protection and always wash your hair in a downward motion. Never save on a good condition as it can maintain your hair’s softness but do avoid products that contain alcohol as alcohol can cause dryness to your hair.

Some people may want to style their Hair Extensions. The first significant aspect is to brush your hair gently in a downward shift as well. Harsh brushing will cause the extensions to fall off and it is better to brush your hair more often. You may use heating hair appliances such as curling irons or hair dryers but remember that they can shorten the lifespan of your extensions so people are advised to dry their hair naturally. Another important piece of advice is that if you had your extensions on, never allow unintentional approach of water and always wear a cap when swimming as the salt water or chlorine may mat up or tangle your hair. A ponytail is best for any forms of exercise as you fix your hair onto place.

The Hair Extensions should not undergo any form of treatments including dye color, perm or other chemical processes. Should you need to perform any of these, you should seek help from your stylist beforehand. Besides, do not sleep on wet hair. Making sure that your hair is completely dry before going to bed is one important precaution for the extensions. It is even better if you could tie your hair gently or wrap it together onto place to prevent hair tangling.

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